Monday, February 7, 2011

No Time, No Time... Here's A Review!

Somehow I managed to eat GF today. It is actually getting easier! What as relief, I was worried that I would have to fight my inner demons full force all day every day with this one. I know I will have my good days and those bad days are sure to come also, but I am having many more good days than I expected to.

I went to Jimmy John's for lunch today. Too much running around on lunch break. Here is my REVIEW!

Ohhh, Jimmy John's. First your sprouts spread E-Coli. Then your Decatur staff unknowingly almost makes me sick. I went in and ordered a Veggie Club without tomatoes on french bread for my aunt who was waiting in the car. I ordered an UNWICH for myself. An unwich is a sandwich without the bread wrapped in fresh iceburg lettuce leaves instead. I decided to try it. Thank goodness I was watching them make it. They dont do like subway where they make the sandwich on its own paper. They literally just dragged my lettuce wrap down the sandwich line and right through all of the breadcrumbs!!! I calmly said I would need a different sandwich because I cannot eat wheat and even just the little mess of crumbs they put on the outside of my wrap would make me very ill. So they looked at me as though I had the plague, giggled with each other, and remade the wrap. It turned out delicious! I don't think it was contaminated, however I could never have it delivered to my house and I would definitely have to be the crazy customer that has 'special needs'. aka, pain in the butt. If I wasn't so outgoing in situations like these, I could NEVER eat anywhere besides home! Jimmy John's is okay. Just make sure you are ready to stare at the unwich making process and then probably have to deal with the hassle and somewhat embarrassment of being a pain in the butt. It is YOUR body and YOUR health. Let them make you feel silly. Who are they? Nobody worth being sick as a dog for a day or two.

I am also very proud of myself! I have a friend (who is gonna read, sorry) that I have been her 'food' friend for years. We eat when we are together. Well, she begged me to go to a restaurant with her and I stuck to my guns. I didn't even consider it. She stopped begging when she realized how serious I was and she said 'Good for you!'. I think so, too. Good for ME!
I got batteries for my camera so my pics will be back tomorrow. Too tired to cook tonight so it was an Amy's gf Veggie Lasagna. Tasty.

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