Thursday, February 3, 2011

Why I Do This and The Perfect Omelet and Cheesy Tuna Mac

I see many, many, many blogs featuring GF recipes. They sound great! For example,

Sounds great but has SO many complicated things to do. Make this sauce, make that thing.. blah blah blahhhh. I don't have the groceries, the money, the motivation, or the time. Don't get me wrong. Some day I WANT to be this talented! Reality is, I am not. So I decided this blog will be about those of us that can't or won't do the complicated stuff.

Today I made an omelet. Ham and cheese. I don't remember where I learned to roll my omelets but I actually take pride in that because I practiced for years, always ending up with something similar to scrambled eggs mixed with ham and cheese. The secret is a hot pan, not too hot.. this is what takes practice. Then Just dump the eggs into the pan and let them cook, after the sides begin to set, use a small spatula to pull the edges towards the middle and let the uncooked egg from the top fall into the newly cleared edges. When it is almost all of the way cooked clear the edges again and scrape the last of the uncooked egg to the sides and add already heated meat and room temp shredded cheese (and room temp fresh veggies) After the toppings are added start to roll the egg up on one side, holding there with the spatula for a few seconds and then so on until the omelet is completely rolled. Transfer carefully (I roll it out of the pan slowly) There you go. A perfect rolled omelet!

My Ingredients

I cut the ham in smaller pieces with kitchen scissors, then heat the ham so that I dont burn the egg trying to get the ham hot in the omelet

How the egg starts. 2 eggs, no milk. Just a little salt and later some pepper.

You can see on the edges of the omelet where I pulled the cooked egg back towards the middle about an ince and let the uncooked run into the space. When your egg is just a minute before completely cooked, start to roll it. By the time you get it rolled it will be cooked perfect! No longer shiny, but not brown to burnt either.

Perfect for rolling time. A little shiny but no longer runny.

Patience.... one roll at a time so the cheese 'seals' the roll and the egg has time to finish cooking inside. Not TOO long though, a few seconds wait is fine.

Letting it sit in the pan with the 'open' side down so the cheese holds it and the egg sets more. Just a little bit of time... 20 seconds or so.

Rolled out of the pan and onto the plate with Tabasco (I love Spice!) The Perfect 'Rolled Omelet'.

Then for lunch I had Cheesy Tuna Mac.

The Ingredients.

butter for the veggies and tuna to cook in.

Cooked in the butter.

Use box prep method in seperate pan for the mac and cheese.

Mix them together... buttery veggies and tuna with creamy cheesy macaroni and cheese :)

Done. YUM.
Ben rarely eats anything I cook. He's 3. What can I say. He cried when I gave him this for lunch. He told me "NOOOOOO! I want the Macaroni and Cheese I LIKE!!!!!!" HAHAHA.

I cooked a lovely dinner tonight but my camera is out of batteries. I had BBQ Chicken Breasts and a thinly sliced, baked potato dish. I will make it again sometime and put pics up. It was tasty :)

I want to add that my son ate PB&J on sugar free wheat bread, a banana, and chocolate milk for b-fast, for lunch he refused my cooking..., and for supper I masde him Tyson chicken nuggets and baked him some crinkle fries. Eventually I want to have a 100 percent GF kitchen and that means he will have to eat what I eat. So that may be a while. Baby Steps... For now I just have to be careful of cross contamination.

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